Saturday, July 31, 2010

Arun Sues'dai! :)

ie... GOOD MORNING! :)

As per usual when I'm in tropical countries, I can't seem to sleep in past 6am, so I decided to go out for a run on the river front this morning. Well, I wasn't the only one up and about early - the boardwalk was filled with people doing their early morning exercises... in the form of boy band street moves! :) i actually had seen maybe 60 or 100 people gathered dancing to music (exercising) together in the main streets from the airport and wished i'd had my camera out to snap a shot of the fun. if there were more people this time i might have jumped in.

and - I stopped briefly to watch a bit of a match of soccer-volleyball! There's actually a Khmer name for it, which one of the men told me, but I can't remember now. Apparently it's a national sport, very popular here and Malaysia. I was pretty impressed - check out the guy in red karate kicking the ball over the net!

Later I took a walk to the Central Market - I was told to keep walking along a road until I saw a big yellow building. I passed quite a few yellow ones on the way but finally I found a really big and really yellow one. :) 

A nice lady hand-pedal biking with her grandson along the way:
I got myself a coconut to sip on from this lady

and took a little stroll around the market. I love markets, they are always busy and bustling and full of life. And always colourful! :)

Lots of sea food at this market (which I didn't buy)!

I did, however, buy myself a ridiculously big giant hat that comes down in the back and covers your neck and shoulders for $2, for when our team will be out under the sun building the primary school in Pursat. It is kind of ridiculous... and kind of awesome :)

Haha okay, all in a day's work, and it's only 10am. Now to real work - need to read over these project documents and make up my interview surveys with project beneficiaries.

and hopefully make my way through some of this Learn Khmer book I picked up at the market:

Taking advantage of internet here while I can... probably won't get to do so much blogging after today, especially when our UNION team gets in, but anyways, until next time! :)

Anternu (my name in Khmer) :)


  1. ah, the boyband workout is a beauty to watch! it's actually not that far off from group aerobics, so i could see the desire to do interested when you come back? i could pull out some of my old BSB songs for you!

    i feel like i've seen this volley soccer before too! i wonder if it's an international sport that north american's are unaware of!

    you're hat - is awesome. so ridiculous, but extremely practical...rock on, bow! :)

  2. Your $2 hat looks great and is functional too. I saw a nice but expensive hat at the REI's store in Bellingham -- with UPF 50 rating, wide brim in front which shades the entire face; even wider cape in back which protects neck and ears --- and I thought about you in Cambodia!
