Monday, August 9, 2010


I've now switched gears to our UNION Program - our Cambodia 2010 UNION team arrived on Sunday, and after a day in Phnom Penh visiting two museums to put our work in context of Cambodia's dark history with the Khmer Rouge regime & genocide... we are now in Pursat, ready to head into the village.

Among other things, we will be helping to construct a school:

We'll also be visiting some families with bio-sand filters, seeing how awesome they are, and helping the families with carrying water from the river (a trip they make 6-7 times a day); visiting some farmers with a dry season rice crop ready to harvest, and helping to harvest; and a water well project (which to date, HOPE has constructed over 700 of, in Cambodia!) that gives clean water for up to 4 families that live far from a river/water source, and helping to mix up some cement and make the foundation for the water well; and visiting HOPE's orphanage in Pursat for children without families. And some other things just for fun. Which I won't say now, in case my team is reading my blog, and I said they would be surprises. :)

Why are we doing all this?

To Understand Needs In Other Nations and see how we can come alongside.

Want to join us next year? :)



  1. sounds like a fun time! have a great time with the team :)

    - debs (Jeff is signed in and im too lazy to sign him out)

  2. Sounds like an interesting experience! Keep the updates coming!
